Honestly, we have all done it before. Let’s please not lie to ourselves and say that we don’t judge other parents and the choices they make in raising their kids. We have even gone as far as judging the child in the process. It’s human nature to have opinions and to make assumptions on things. My entire motto for my blog is “parenting kept real”, I’d be a hypocrite if I said I never judged or made an assumption about someone or their ways of parenting. I’m Armenian, we tend to be on the judgmental side. Does that make it right? Absolutely not!
The fact of the matter is that however parents choose to raise their children or run their household is none of our business. Everyone is accountable (or should be accountable) for raising their kids and running their household. We have all met that one parent at the kids party who lets their kid run amuck, who doesn’t tell their kid to behave when they aren’t, who's kid punches other kids because they were there and they felt like it, and the one who blows out the cake of the persons party they are at before the birthday boy or girl does and the parent does nothing. Yes, I agree these things are wrong and it is so frustrating to see that parent and not tell that person “hey, your kid’s an asshole.” In the end, that misbehaved child is not yours, they don’t get to come home with you so they’re not your problem. Unless the actions of the child directly effects your kids, then you shouldn’t be judging or taking action.
Judging parenting does not end with just the behavior part, there are many ways to judge a parent: social status, what school they send the kids, financial status or even vaccinating or not vaccinating (*i should do a post on vaccinating kids*). In the end, unless we know for a fact that the child is being abused or neglected, then we should not be interfering. Instead, we should be paying attention to our own, and making the right decisions for your own households.