OK. Can we millennials just take a moment and recognize our PTSD from when we knew our parents were on the way back home from our Parent Teacher Conference.
The one thing that no one warns you about being a parent, is how heartbroken you get when your child gets sick.
Dads, active parenting is not for the faint of heart; it takes a lot of time, patience, taking responsible steps, communication, many mistakes on your end and tons and tons of effort.
Whats up, fam! I have been meaning to write this post for quite some time now, just never really had a chance, but I’m here to tell you that….ARIANNA IS POTTY TRAINED!
So as every parent knows, getting your rugrats out of the house is so important for them and YOUR sanity. We were going bat-shit crazy last week with them driving us absolutely nuts at home.
When we were becoming parents with our first child, we swore to raise her without junk, all organic, home cooked meals and only snacks with transparent ingredients. Yah, that was a major fail.
I hate to admit it, but I’m guilty of it. Make no mistake though, we put a valiant effort into not cursing in front of the little ones, but shit happens. I really do find cursing in front of kids to be really bad especially when your child starts talking.
Have you noticed the similarities in personality between you and your kids? If you haven’t, pay attention. As my children are getting older, I’m starting to see my wife and myself in our kids and it is WILD.
Nowadays, we are waterboarded with any and all things social media. From the moment you launch your Instagram app in the morning while waiting for your cup of coffee to brew, you have all kinds of things thrown your way:
After many failed attempts, we are finally officially potty training Arianna! We are so excited to start this journey and get rid of diapers for her once and for all.
There is a down side to starting school; ever since Arianna started school, she has been sick at least once a month. She has had fever after fever, cold after cold, runny nose, horrible coughs, 2 ear infections and a upper respiratory infection.
One of my best friends texted me over a month ago and asked if we would be interested in joining them in Palm Springs for Memorial Day weekend and to bring the kids.
So I got tons of DM’s on Instagram with so many questions about Disneyland and whether or not it’s worth going and taking your toddler with you. I thought it would be better to post a blog entry detailing our experience rather than answer each DM individually.
Gentlemen! Has your wife or partner ever asked you to watch the kids because she has to go to the store real quick or because she has a girls lunch she needs to attend, or even just to return something at the store? Did you instantly shit your pants in terror?
Being a first time parent is a beautiful yet overwhelming time. In between the poopy diapers and waking up in the middle of the night to feed is enough to make you want to scream.
You know those movies you watch where the woman goes into labor and everyone rushes to the hospital and she is breathing heavily and in pain because the child is ready to fly out of that uterus?
It felt so nice to be outdoors after a year of our “three week stay at home order.” There was a huge sense of normalcy in the air and it felt like things are turning for the better.
So much anxiety came along my wife and I when it came down to whether or not sending Arianna to pre-school at 2 years old is a good idea.
If I had a chance to have a conversation with myself before I became a first time father, these are the things I would tell myself:
To me one of the things that gave me anxiety about becoming a father was that I never wanted to be one of those dads that work all day and barely sees their kids.
Is it just me or do you get anxiety talking about this subject with other parents? There are so many conspiracy theorist amongst my Armenian community and their thoughts on vaccinating kids that I just shut the subject down when its brought up because it is not something I am interested in debunking or carrying on.
Honestly, we have all done it before. Let’s please not lie to ourselves and say that we don’t judge other parents and the choices they make in raising their kids. We have even gone as far as judging the child in the process.
I think I speak for the entire world when I say that 2020 was the most difficult year. Covid-19 has ruined so many lives. There were so many loved ones lost, so many businesses closed, so many people lost their jobs and their homes.
How does your behavior effect your kids? The answer is simple; every possible way imaginable. As a person who did not grow up in the most ideal situation, It was super important for myself to have kids to right all the wrongs that were done onto me.
As every single soon-to-be first time parent literally ever, I swore I would never allow my child to play on an iPad. Ah, those were the naive days (looks upward reminiscing.)
So, if you’re not Armenian, when reading the title of this blog you might think to yourself “hmm…don’t all dads change diapers?” Now if you ARE Armenian, reading this blog you might think “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”
Having kids so close in age is very difficult. Being a parent in general is really difficult, some would say it is the hardest job in the world. I would definitely agree. There are so many difficulties that come with having two kids under the age of two; one would be the older siblings jealousy.
Dad guilt is real!