Whats up, fam! I have been meaning to write this post for quite some time now, just never really had a chance, but I’m here to tell you that….ARIANNA IS POTTY TRAINED!

Whenever I do Q&A’s on Instagram, the most frequent question I get is, “how did you potty train?” Well, my eldest (Arianna) has been potty trained for maybe four or five months now and believe it or not, neither my wife, myself or her grandmothers had anything to do with it. You’re probably reading this and scratching your head wondering “wtf is he talking about?” Let me start from the beginning:

When Arianna was about a year and a half, we attempted our first run at potty training which turned out to be a complete disaster. When I say disaster, I mean, my daughter would pee every which way possible. There was NOTHING standing in her way, she would pee while watching T.V., she would pee sitting on her chair, she would take her clothes off and pee into the wind and then laugh about it. It was a mess. After a day or two, we decided she was not ready at all. A few months later, we bought her her own step-up to the toilet seat thinking she would make fun out of it and use it, it worked. Until she decided that she did not care to use it any further and to continue to pee absolutely everywhere. Again, we decided she was not ready so back to diapers.

About 4 - 5 months ago, she decided one day she was going to sit on the toilet and do her business. So, she took off her diaper and sat on the toilet and went all on her own. Just like that, she potty trained herself. It was from that moment on, she would use the potty and refuse the diaper.

Now, this is in no way me bragging about how easy it was because we did nothing and our child magically trained herself. I can say that without any doubt, the most frustrating and difficult nights have been the nights AFTER she was potty trained. Since that day, when we put her down for her to sleep for the night, she spends about the first two hours of bedtime SCREAMING for myself and my wife because she has to go potty. Now for the most part, it’s her refusal to sleep. Thanks to daycare nap time, she has extended her bedtime to 9pm when it use to be 7:30pm. We would tell her to pee in her diaper but she would not even entertain the idea. For whatever reason, her peeing in her pull-ups at night terrifies her. So she insists on waking up and screaming for us to take her. She has been doing this since the night she was trained.

Now my wife and I use to be able to have dinner right after we put her down at 7:30, but now she will not let us eat dinner without havingto getup to take her to pee. Yes, having your child potty trained has been just so much fun 😒

Point is, no one should be rushing you to potty train your kiddos. In my experience, your kid will let you know when they are ready to be potty trained. So if your baby is not trained at the age of 2, dont worry, they’ll let you know when it’s time.


