Have you noticed the similarities in personality between you and your kids? If you haven’t, pay attention. As my children are getting older, I’m starting to see my wife and myself in our kids and it is WILD. It is so interesting how the little people we create physically, also end up resembling us personality-wise. When it manifests itself in my kids, I find it so funny, humbling and intriguing. At times, it does make me worry. Why would it worry me, you ask? Well, although some personality traits and characteristics may be adorable, others make me stop and wonder, would inheriting certain characteristics from us be hindering them in anyway as adults?

I can honestly say with 100% certainty that my daughter is ALL ME. Arianna may look like her mama, but she has my personality from top to bottom. My son may look like my twin, but has inherited my wife’s personality without a shadow of a doubt. Here are the traits our kids inherited from us:

When I see certain traits of mine in my children, it does make me a little nervous. For example: my daughter can be very aggravated easily just like myself. I know speaking from personal experience, having this trait can hinder her in the future. Being temperamental can cause people to be scared of you and makes you unapproachable and can cost her a lot as it has cost me in the past. I will put in my best effort to help her channel her aggression in a healthy way as she grows up, but as a parent, it is my job to help my kids be the best person they can be; that being said, my kids also have a lot of traits that I have that I am a little relieved that they have inherited. Both my kids are very aware of their surroundings, although my son is a bit braver, my daughter is and has always been a very cautious baby. She does not approach anything or anyone she is not comfortable with just like me, it takes her a minute to warm up to people. She does not offer her love immediately. She will make you work for it. Just like my wife, both kids are very territorial for the ones they love. They have no problem letting you know how upset they are if our attention is not on them and that we showed affection or attention to someone else other than them. This also applies to other relatives, even though I may be speaking to my own grandmother, Arianna seeks my love and attention regardless of whomever I may be speaking to at that moment.

I realize it may be a little too early in the game for me to be looking at all this under a microscope. However, it does give me a little bit of a “heads-up” for the future and tells me to watch out for these things and help my babies work on being the best humans they can be.


