After many failed attempts, we are finally officially potty training Arianna! We are so excited to start this journey and get rid of diapers for her once and for all. Potty training can be so confusing because I don’t think parents fully understand that YOU, the parent, may be ready for training them, but your baby may not be ready at all.
When we first started trying, which was back in 2020, it turned into a complete disaster. She wasn’t really talking at that time so she would not let us know she had to pee, so she would pee everywhere like a new puppy. We tried the reward system where if she goes potty in the toilet, we would give her an M&M as a prize, but it was ineffective because my little manipulative stinker realized she was getting candy every time we take her off the toilet. So, she would start sitting on the potty and fake it to get the treat. When we realized that, we stopped giving her treats so she went right back to peeing everywhere in the house.
This time around, now that she is older and talking way more, she is now telling me “daddy pee pee.” We are still putting her in pull-ups but she has not had any slips in the pull ups so far. At her school, the teachers actually help the parents potty train. having them potty at school as well. So, we get a little help there as well which extra pair of hands is always good.
I’m sure there are many parents out there with their first born wondering when is the right time to potty train? If you ask me, the answer would be when your child starts effectively communicating verbally. I’m obviously no expert on the matter, but this is what seems to have worked for us. We shall see!