I don’t know about you, but I was never one of those people who took the advice “you have to think positive!” If this was five years ago, 26 year old Vrej would respond to that with a massive eye roll and a very pointy sarcastic comment. I would get so annoyed when someone would tell me to think positive. For me it was like “ok Susan, grab your positivity with you on your way out.” I never took that advice seriously...that is until I met my wife. Natalie had been practicing the laws of attraction a little before we had met, she always spoke about it and how it turned her world around in the best way possible. I always thought it was impossible; how can words have the power of manifestation. She introduced me to a little book called The Secret which basically says if you want something, tell it to the universe out loud and it will give it to you. There was a point where I was struggling to keep my chin up for many many reasons that I won’t be going into; but one of which was when we were trying to get pregnant the first time, and it took longer than one would expect from a very young healthy couple. There came a day where I had lost hope and was not in a good place to say the least. My wife sat me down and basically told me to change my way of thinking. Start to think how we would decorate the nursery, what names you have in mind for the baby, start manifesting these thoughts, start telling the universe out loud what you want and believe that you are going to receive it. I came to the realization that she was right and that I am doing no one any favors by sitting around moping, especially myself. I started following her lead and started to change my way of thinking which will automatically change my life. I started speaking positive affirmations out loud every morning and believing everything was going to happen for us and our life was going to be amazing and filled with joy. One random Sunday after church, we stopped at a local Starbucks. While waiting in line, the barista yelled out “ORDER UP FOR ARIANNA!” And handed the drink to Natalie assuming she was Arianna. Even though the drink did not belong to us and we obviously declined, but we were both in awe and both took it as a HUGE sign because we always LOVED the name Arianna for a girl. Sure enough, a month later we found out that Natalie was pregnant. You can already guess what we named her 😉

That was the moment where I told myself “OK. This is real and has a lot of power.” After that, my perspective on life changed forever. I am glad everything happened the way it did, had it not, I probably wouldn’t appreciate what I have today. That being said, I am a work in progress. I have to work on myself everyday and continue this thought process. It’s not easy but I promise it really 


