What is the ultimate goal in life? The answer is simple: to achieve happiness. Whether it’s finding your dream job, being very rich, creating a family, buying your dream home, buying your dream car, being famous or being a stay at home parent. These are all things that people try to obtain to be “happy.”
The truth is, happiness is not obtained by material things. Happiness is obtained when you have reached a level of gratitude in your life that allows you to be satisfied and fulfilled with every day things that you normally would take for granted. Things like, waking up in the morning and seeing your family alive and healthy, being able to use your legs, a great cup of coffee, the ability to see, using your limbs or even being able to take a shower in the morning. You may be asking yourself, “why the hell is this guy telling me to be happy because I have a shower?” Believe it or not, you being able to wake up and having a shower in your home that works, is a luxury to some. A lot of people do not have the access to these minor things you do and would consider it a gift if given to them.
Happiness is all about perception. It’s about how you view your life and the things that happen to you. Yes, shit does happen and makes you angry and wonder “why did it have to happen to me?” You may be on the road and some asshole who was texting, rear ends you while at a red light. Yes, this is annoying, but at least you can look at the situation and tell yourself “at least I am safe and no one is injured.” It is very very easy to be angry and negative. It’s so easy to play the victim and wonder “why did this have to happen to me?!” It’s even easier to view things in a positive light. So why not the latter?
I became happy when I started to be appreciative of the things I have, not the things I don’t have and when I stopped giving a damn about what people think and stopped doing what I did not want to do anymore.
Being grateful for every day is the true and only way to happiness. It took so much work for me to get to this stage in my life. I had to work on myself and my way of thinking every single day for a very long time. I never in a million years thought it was achievable, but it absolutely is.